
Some facts on Dusshera festival

  Dusshera festival A major Hindu festival celebrated at the end Navratri every year . It is observed in the tenth day in the Hindu calendar month of Ashvin , the seventh month of the Hindu luni - solar  Calendar . This famous Hindu celebration says that the eigth incarnation Lord Vishnu , Lord Rama killed the ten headed devil , Ravana . In North India , it incorporates Ram Lila , a gala , a theoritical enactment of Rama's life story . Dusshera or Vijaydashami is an important Hindu festival which signifies the victory of good over evil  Dusshera is not ony celebrated by Hindus , even Buddhists consider it a sacred day . They believed that on this day , King Ashoka converted into Buddhism . Dandiya and Garba are played during thee nine days  The city of Mysore has traditionally been a major city of Dasara / Vijaydashami celebrations .

My hobbies

  The following are my hobbies that I love practicing .  1. PLAYING SPORTS I love playing sports such as cricket , football , badminton , swimming etc . Cricket . Cricket is one of my most favorite outdoor sport . I spend most of my free time playing cricket with my friends  . The following is an image of playing cricket . Football . Football is the most popular sport played all over the world . I personally love playing football . I spend my quality time by playing and also watching football . The following is an image of playing football . Badminton . I often find myself playing badminton with friends. Badminton is an individual sport unlike others . The following is an image of playing badminton . 2. LISTENING MUSIC  I love listening music wearing my headphones . One of my favorite song is how you like that by BLACK PINK .  3. READING BOOKS I love reading books like HARRY POTTER , PERCY JACKSON , GERONIMO STILTON . 4. TRAVELLING I love travelling to various countries , states and


 India is the second most populous country in the world . It is the seventh largest country in the world by land area . It is a democratic country . India has its capital at New Delhi . It comprises of 23 languages . JAI HIND !!!!!